Adoption Testimony


Even before we met, we both felt drawn toward the idea of adopting one day because of our faith. At the center of Christianity are hospitality and care for those in need, explicitly including orphans.

After we met and began to date seriously, we discussed the matter of parenthood and were glad to discover that we both had the same desire to adopt. We knew we wanted to create a loving home that would minister to others, and at the center of that would be adopting children to fully belong to the family. This desire to adopt was also not in lieu of having children biologically. We both agreed on that too - the ideal would be two biological children and two adopted children. We had one biological daughter and have been as yet unable to have a second. After failed fertility treatments and a miscarriage, we sensed God closing the door on biological children and telling us it was time to pursue the dream of adoption that He planted in our hearts.

In the summer of 2023, God led us to New Life Adoptions. We completed paperwork, underwent the home study and rigorous training, and waited! On March 9, 2024, God grew our family through adoption and Mia came home to her forever family! Her birth mom made the very courageous choice to place her baby for adoption, and we couldn't be more humbly honored to love this sweet girl!

On the way to the hospital to meet her for the first time, we discovered the “Adoption Song” by Brandon Lake. It has been our prayer over Mia’s life.

I renounce the lie that I don't measure up
I renounce the lie I'm unworthy of Your love
And when shame comes knocking
And fear starts talking, I will lift my hands
In Your presence, You remind me who I am
I am adopted, I am beloved
It's my inheritance, I'm a child of God
So when the liar starts mouthing off
I'll sing in confidence my adoption song
I found my family where I belong
I rebuke any spirit that's tried to keep me bound
And I plead the blood of Jesus, the accuser has no ground
And my future's given name is written in His nail-scarred hands
And forevermore, I know whose I am

When you give to GGAM, you are helping families answer God's call to foster and adopt. You are helping to strengthen families as parents love their kids from hard places. And you are providing for the needs of kids who do not have a family.



  • 713-504-3566
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