Bringing Sophia Home

Running for Greater Things is part of our adoption story. It really is so much more than just a race.  It has been a total support system for us. The first time we raised money for adoption with this event, it was for our friends who adopted from Colombia. Once they brought their kids home from Colombia, and we got to know them, adoption was more real. Although we knew other families that had adopted, we were friends with this family before they adopted from Colombia. Seeing adoption from start to finish helped with our decision to adopt.

Adoption is expensive. We can go into more detail about what made us choose to adopt from Bulgaria but ultimately, that’s just where God had our daughter and He set this plan into action and connected the dots in a very real way for us. Had it not been for the money raised by Running for Greater Things, we would have put our adoption on credit cards. I’m just being real. We had some money in savings, did some fundraising, and had donations from family and friends (which was a huge help and blessing), but those did not cover all the expenses.

…that’s just where God had our daughter and He set this plan into action and connected the dots in a very real way for us.

We did not want to ask for money. It’s very hard to ask people for money. It’s hard because you have to drop all of your pride and just be real. You have to answer hard questions that no one outside of your immediate circle understands, “God called us to adopt and we don’t have the money for that so will you help fund this?” At least that’s what Satan says. He tries to undo you, break you down, doubt what you are called to, and basically thwart all plans that God has that lead to life and love. Satan HATES adoption and he hates all that goes with it.

Pride keeps us from asking for help. The Running for Greater Things directors called a meeting with some of the church staff when they learned of our decision to adopt and pledged to support us however they could. We still didn’t want to ask for money. But God had a better plan. He laid it on the hearts of the leaders to keep in touch, stay on our case, and really follow up through all of our steps in the adoption process.

We added a little girl to our “boy” family. We traveled to Bulgaria at the end of October 2016 and came home with our daughter at the beginning of November 2016. She is now 3 and a half years old and is delayed in most areas because of her rough start in life. Her name is Sophia.

Coming home was not easy for me. Our boys have been more than we expected – they love her well, understand that she needs extra time and that she takes extra time, they adore her and truly want what is best for her. They play with her, watch her, help with her physical therapy, and try to teach her new things. They are living Jesus to her. We could not be more proud of them for how they have stepped up to their roles as big brothers. My heart bursts with pride knowing that through adoption, through Sophia, they exhibit the fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, goodness, faithfulness.

My heart bursts with pride knowing that through adoption, through Sophia, they exhibit the fruits of the Spirit

Sophia has been trying for me because there’s a lot going on inside of her that I just don’t understand. I’m with her all the time and to be honest, it’s getting easier, but it’s still really hard. And still, God has placed it on the hearts of our friends to continue to check on me, to keep in touch, to ask how we’re doing and how they can help. It is total support. Through this whole process, I have felt love and support from the Running for Greater Things team. We LOVE Running for Greater Things and will continue to volunteer and help support to bring other orphans home.

When you give to GGAM, you are helping families answer God's call to foster and adopt. You are helping to strengthen families as parents love their kids from hard places. And you are providing for the needs of kids who do not have a family.



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