Seven; the number of weeks it took for us to complete our paperwork and become a licensed home by the state of Texas. Ten; the number of days it took for us to receive the phone call that we were matched with a birthmother. Six; the number of weeks until we welcomed our precious baby boy into the world.
Timothy was born on April 8, 2019 and is one of the greatest joys of our lives.
Adoption has turned out to be a beautiful whirlwind, marked by gigantic leaps of faith ordained by God. Before we took the plunge to say “yes” we weren’t really living! Since then, we find ourselves in awe as a community of friends, family and strangers step up to help meet our needs.
Our adoption journey began over 8 years ago when I was diagnosed with PCOS and Insulin Resistance. After a few trials with hormones to help with conception, Chris and I decided this was not the best course of action for my body. Shortly after, God called us to adoption, a journey we were excited to begin.
During those months of preparation with a previous agency, God built so much faith into us. He sent many confirmations and even allowed us to receive a cash gift from a family member to fund the entire adoption! We were referred to a birthmother with that agency but did not end up with a placement. We were completely devastated when this happened. Just 3 months later, Chris would be laid off from his job due to the company’s financial difficulties. It is the lowest valley we have walked through as a couple.
Those months of unemployment turned out to be some of the sweetest times of our marriage. You see, God had used adoption to build into us the very faith and fortitude we would need to carry us through unemployment. We watched God provide for our needs on a weekly basis through church members. When those checks stopped coming, we were able to use the money that was gifted to us for our adoption. This was an extremely difficult decision and bittersweet, but that decision allowed us to end eight months of unemployment debt free. You see, financial responsibility is very important to us.
Fast forward to 2018. Chris has been employed seven and half years in a wonderful job he loves. We were loving life homeschooling, serving together at church and watching our twelve-year-old son Cooper play competitive basketball. Life as a family of 3 was great! Then August of 2018 came.
I was sitting at our kitchen table one morning and came across this quote from a blog, “Whatever we ask in prayer” is an audacious promise from God. This promise presses us beyond our limits and draws us beyond what we’ve experienced. It calls out a trust in us that we don’t think we have.” At that very moment, I knew what God was asking me, “Why won’t you ask me for the deepest desire of your heart? A child.”
When I approached Chris with this, he was not initially sold on the idea. This was out of his comprehension and off his radar. Like I said, we were happy! Cooper has entered the pre-teen stage and in just six short years he will be off to college. Why would we start over? After talking about it for several weeks, we purposed to pray about it individually and see where God would lead.
In January 2019, God stepped in with a “handwriting on the wall” experience during a business meeting of Chris’! He was so clear to reveal Himself when the man he was meeting with began recounting the adoption story of his daughter. More than that, their family had used the same adoption agency we were talking with. Chris knew at that moment that this was the confirmation he needed to move forward in this new adventure.
RGT loves to help bring kids home! Welcome home Timothy!